Monday, January 18, 2010

The open hardware DIY CNC (computer numerical controlled machine).

There are several DIY CNC projects out there - in many different sizes and shapes and material and with different PICs and program languages. It seems like the hole grail for the DIY savvy - I would not know where to begin or even choose between the projects.
The reason I think there is a reel need for a open hardware CNC is found in the fact of the idiotic ways we come to depend on small pieces of plastic and metal in the machines that we are so ever depending upon. When a consumer product breaks down today the first place to look is often the movable parts - made of plastic. These parts are small and are impossible to repair or remake unless you happens to have a.. CNC or a RepRap (more about the RepRap later). The curse of the plastic button is fund in everything from exspencive cars to hand-tools to radios to.. the list is endless and we are going to live with this crap for generations (especially when we no longer can to through away otherwise perfectly working machines - beside for the broken plastic part that render it useless). Repair will come back into fashion (not because it is funny - but it can become that important). I admire those who can go through a Dumpster and come up with a raygun but the true masters is found in Cuba.
When I visited Cuba in 2004 I was confronted with new car models I did not know (boy nerd thing - don't try to understand). It turned out that the "new" cars was homemade. In Cuba - if you really wants a car, you have to build it yourself.
I would love to see the generic open hardware CNC.

Links to some DIY CNC sites:

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thank you! I always wanted to write on my site something like that. Can I include a portion of your post to my website? cnc milling
